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Try These Ideas For Relieving Hemorrhoid Symptoms

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Posted on: 08/12/22

There are many things that can make you vulnerable to hemorrhoids. Late pregnancy and giving birth can cause them in women while men can get them from constipation, straining and poor diet. Fortunately they do not last long and can usually be treated at home. This article can offer suggestions on how to deal with them.

Soothe irritated hemorrhoids by creating a homemade sitz bath using warm water and Epsom salts. This can be done easily by adding a half cup of plain Epsom salts into a warm, shallow bath. Remain seated in the warm bath for as long as time allows, and repeat the process throughout the day, if possible.

After having a bowel movement, it is important to not use dry tissue paper if you are struggling with hemorrhoids. The dry tissue paper is rough and can scratch the hemorrhoids when wiping. If you scratch the hemorrhoids, they may bleed. Instead of dry paper, try using wet tissue paper or running water.

To reduce the pain and swelling associated with hemorrhoids, you should soak in warm water. To do this, you need to fill a bathtub with six to 12 inches of warm water. After your tub is filled, sit in the water with your knees elevated. Doing this several times a day will increase the results. The warm water will improve the blood flow to the area.

Utilize ice to alleviate hemorrhoid pain. Hemorrhoids are often times extremely painful. Use an ice pack to reduce swelling and decrease pain. Alternating cool treatments with warm ones provides maximum relief. You can also help the pain and inflammation by alternating between sitting in warm bath water and applying an ice pack.

While getting rid of hemorrhoids may seem to be quite difficult, avoiding them altogether is a completely different story. It is very easy to avoid hemorrhoids almost entirely through diet. You should avoiding eating excessively spicy foods if you are a person who suffers from this affliction and you will have less problems with it.


Regular daily exercise may help in the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. In our fast-paced world it can be hard to find time to fit exercise into our day but even a little can help. Try using the stairs instead of the elevator at work. Dont do any exercise that would cause straining, like lifting weights.

If you get hemorrhoids it is important to get exercise and move around throughout your day. If you are sedentary, and constantly sitting, you are putting much unneeded pressure on the veins which can become hemorrhoids. If your work is sedentary, get up often and walk around. Keep your lifestyle active to help prevent hemorrhoids!

Exercise caution when using medicines that relieve constipation. While these laxative products can help you in the short term, you can quite easily experience constipation after the effects have worn off. Many times the constipation is worse than you started with. Look for natural ways to soften your stool or seek a physicians advice.


Consuming daily supplements and vitamins could help you in managing your hemorrhoids. If your diet is less than ideal, a supplement and/or vitamin will ensure that your body receives needed nutrients. You might also want to check into Venapro and see how it can help reduce hemorrhoids you may have, over time.

As was covered in the beginning of this article, hemorrhoids can occur in pregnant women or in people with poor diets, constipation and from straining during a bowel movement. By using this article to make changes such as adding fiber, drinking more water and exercising, you can learn to avoid these painful attacks.

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