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Excellent College Advice That Gets You On Track

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Total visits: 144
Posted on: 07/25/22

Starting college can be incredibly overwhelming. Leaving home and starting over somewhere new can be difficult. Fortunately, resources like this article are here to bolster your confidence and help you to feel more prepared. Here are tricks and tips that will help you have the most enjoyable college experience possible.

Familiarize yourself with your schedule and where your classes are before the first day of school. Try and figure out how long itll take for you to get to each class, and use that to plan accordingly. Make note of the bathrooms and other places you will need to go.

Get as involved as possible with the students on campus and with certain organizations in the school. This is very important as you do not want to be tagged as a social outcast with nothing to do during the day. This will help you to make friends and feel like a part of the university.

Take the time to exercise or take a walk and keep physically active. At the gym you will not only meet new people, but you will also stay healthy. There also may be people you can find to go to the gym with you and that is good if you need to expand your social network.

Networking is one of the smartest things that you can do while you are in college. This will help you to not only broaden your group of friends, but also expand your possibilities when you are out of college looking for a job. Do not dismiss anyone in college, as they could be valuable to your future.

Make general ed part of your first semester. If you have to take it, but arent interested in it, leave the hard classes for last. Not only that, but do you really wish to be the lone senior surrounded by freshmen?

Do not get involved with the people that want to party all the time. Having fun during college is important, but there is a time and a place. If you allow yourself to fall into those bad habits, your grades will surely suffer. Only have fun when you have done everything you need to do..


Wake up early each day. You should get up at 7, eat a good breakfast, and get ready for your morning class or start studying.

If you are in class and find yourself bored out of your mind, do yourself a favor and stay until it ends. Often times college kids exercise their right to leave whenever they want but you never know when you will miss some truly important information. So make sure to attend every class in its entirety.

Get serious about exercise. Exercise is something that many students dont get enough of. Because weight gain is so normal in college freshmen especially, you have to make the time to get a small workout in so you can stay slim and fit. Think about jogging or using the campus pool to do your workouts.


Every freshman should understand and realize that the freshman 15 does in fact exist. It is important that everyone take the necessary steps to ensure that they are getting proper nutrition during their first year in college. While it might be tempting to pile on some fries for dinner every night, youll pay for it in the long run.

As was said earlier, going to college can be a stressful experience. Yet, when you apply the advice here to your life, you will see how enjoyable college can be. Keep in mind that college is likely to be one of the best times in your life.

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