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Does Your Dog Need To Learn His Manners?

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Total visits: 142
Posted on: 07/23/22

Sometimes training your dog can seem downright impossible, especially if the strategies you are using are not working and your pup seems to be more hard-headed than ever. However, there are ways to break through and get real results. You can use the advice in this article to start a dog training program that will set you on the path to success.

As with anything, reinforce the good behaviors from your dog. Make sure that you have treats handy, or just use lots of praise for actions that are good. This will teach your dog to try and get a treat, or your praise and reinforce to them that what they just did was something you want them to keep doing.

If you cannot calmly work with your pet, it is best to put training aside until you have composed your mood. Your dog does not understand bad moods. Confusion can set in with your dog if you become frustrated in trying to work on basics. Patience and kindness are key factors in a dominant leader.

Digging can be a troublesome behavior with some dogs. One way to address this is to create an area where your dog is allowed to dig. Hide some of his favorite toys in the area, bury dog treats, and encourage him to spend time there. This can keep your dog out of your favorite garden and help him to enjoy your yard.

When training, be specific about what you want your dog to do. Using vague commands like "no" tend to be ineffective. No only tells him that you didnt like what he did, but not why. If you say "no" when he jumps on the couch, he may think you wanted him to jump higher. Use specific commands like stay and sit for better results.


All dogs need daily exercise and it can be an important part of your training efforts. Daily exercise shows your dog that he is a member of the family, as well as letting him know you are a strong leader. Exercise encourages his confidence and provides you with wonderful bonding opportunities.

If you are training a high-energy dog, it may be beneficial to exercise your dog just before the training session. A dog that is overly energetic will have difficulty focusing on what you are trying to teach. The exercise session can be beneficial for the human owners health as well!

If your dog is digging up your yard, they may be bored. The biggest cause of destructive behavior in dogs is boredom. Simply putting them out in a back yard does not necessarily mean they are getting exercise. Try making sure they have some activity by taking them for long walks, or if you must stay home, a long game of fetch. Your dog will be too tired out to bother digging.


Watch the number of treats you give your dog during the day to avoid making your dog overweight. These treats are often ignored when considering calories, and yet they have an impact on the diet and health of your pet.

Your dog will need a diet high in nutrition to maintain his vitality and health. This means that you should be picky about what you feed your dog. Making your own dog food can help to reduce fillers that do nothing for your pet, while increasing the crude protein to a healthy and more beneficial level.

Training your pup isnt impossible, even though there are times when it can seem that way, there are things you can do to get over those tough hurdles. Make sure that you start with these tips and hunt out other such tips from the internet, so you can get off to the best start to successfully train your dog.

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